20 January 2017

New Years Resolution..Get financially healthy!

Is this the year to get your financial health in check? With Christmas credit cards looming, the new year is a great time to take stock of your financial position.

It is so important to learn to live within our means, to avoid using costly credit facilities and understand our spending habits. Have you ever really sat down and tracked where your money goes? Let’s face it, it’s hard enough to earn to simply waste it. Little changes to our spending patterns can have very rewarding long term effects.

Try cutting down the number of coffee’s you purchase in a week or packing your lunch instead of buying it – for some this could be a $25 per week saving. Paying this amount off your mortgage or adding to your superannuation will save you $$$ in the long-term (Not to mention how much better it is for your waistline!).

We have an excellent budget saver tool to begin tracking where your money goes. See if you spend more than you earn. Are you making the most of your money? Email the team at [email protected] to start getting your finances in order today. Remember that Melissa Wheeler is a financial planner and can assist you to make the right financial decisions.